Catchy Scene

About Us


Add your own touch to the decor with the collection of home accessories from the catchy Scene store, starting with mirrors and home antiques and ending with elegant lighting and vases. The home accessories collection includes many unique accessories that suit all the rooms of your home - as well as the decor of your outdoor space. These small details are what make your home warmer and more comfortable. Design your own decor and add your elegant touches by choosing distinctive pieces. Our selections add a natural touch to your interior decor that pleases the heart and delights the senses, and gives your outdoor spaces a touch of luxury.

Show the latest products that you wish for in full in our collection, and always follow them with the best-selling products where you need the most popular home accessories and decoration supplies. We offer you our selections of readiness, ideas, the latest advice and news in the world of interior decoration and help to subscribe without entertainment to share the beauty and diversity, everything He searches for it in catchy scene store.

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Shipping Policy


The seller is fully responsible for shipping and delivery fees after the product is sold and delivered to the buyer, especially when the shipments are sent to the buyer's address.

Sellers must ensure the following if completing the purchase process through the Janagate website in order to ensure an efficient and quick transaction for buyers:

Add accurate information about the product's location. Determine the order processing time and the expected delivery time for each shipment. If the seller agrees with the buyer on a different shipping period, the order processing time must be updated and the order status marked as “shipped”  as soon as the shipment leaves the seller’s site and the buyer is notified of this.

Once the product is sold, the seller must avoid any delay in shipping so that the shipping period does not exceed a maximum of 7 days from the date of purchase.

Include a statement that all shipping procedures are in accordance with international/local customs/import laws and regulations. Ensure that the product is delivered to the buyer as described on the product invoice.

Once the order is placed by the buyer and the shipping information is confirmed, the seller acknowledges that he authorizes us to access and share any information provided to the Janagate website from the shipping company.

In some cases, where the shipped products may not arrive on time or there is a possibility of them being lost, and to avoid any potential claims from the buyer, the seller must contact the buyer immediately and provide convincing proof that the shipping process has been processed and that the product has been shipped to the address provided on the website. Janagate.

Return Policy


In the event that the buyer wishes to cancel an order that has already been placed on the Janagate website, the buyer must contact the seller immediately through messages to request cancellation. The seller only has the right to cancel any order if any of the following occurs, provided that such order is in compliance with Janagate website policies:

The buyer fails to pay (in this case, the seller can indicate to this buyer the result of non-payment and charge him the costs or request the cancellation of the payment process).

In the event of mutual agreement between the seller and the buyer to cancel the order, provided that this cancellation request is made before the shipping process and that the seller has refunded the full amount paid by the buyer.

In the event that the seller decides to disagree with the buyer who has already paid, in this case the seller will refund the full amount paid by the buyer, including shipping costs.

When the seller fails to deliver the product to the buyer even if proof of shipping is provided and the seller pays the full amount that the buyer paid to purchase the product.

In the event that the seller and buyer mutually agree to return the product and get a refund and the seller actually returns the money and receives the returned product.