Ganlansoap 's Privacy Policy

Seller Policy Janagate is a premium place where every seller can list and sell handmade products, vintage, personal and special items directly to buyers anywhere around the world. In order to have a positive experience for both the seller and the buyer on the Janagate website, we advise you to read and adhere to this policy, which includes the rights and obligations of the seller. A- Transparency and honesty The seller must display his work and product lists and sell them with complete honesty, transparency, and accuracy through the Janagate website. The Seller also agrees to the following: Add transparent, honest and accurate information on seller listings and in the seller section. Update the seller’s store policies in line with the policies of the Janagate website. Display product lists and images transparently and accurately. Not to violate and respect the rights of others, including intellectual property rights. Pay all fees and do not attempt to evade them in any way. Do not engage in manipulative practices. Not coordinating prices with other sellers. B- Create a seller account, list and sell on the Janagate website Through Janagate, a seller can list and sell handmade products and vintage, personal or special items that a buyer may not find in traditional stores. When a seller creates an account with us and lists/sells products, the seller agrees to the following: Providing and making available all product information accurately, including the name, contact information, verification number, and commercial registration number for the product, if any. Enable and allow the inclusion of discount codes in seller listings which Janagate may from time to time in its absolute discretion create as part of the site's marketing and business strategy to attract more buyers and increase sales. Use of the Seller's own images The Seller agrees not to use images that are popular in the market and business or artistic images used by other sellers or sites. For personal or custom-made products, if the seller uses images of his previous work with customization options, make sure that these images are clear and make this clear in the seller’s deion and confirm that these images are just a sample only. All listed products shall be available for purchase at the price specified on the Site. All handmade items must be independently made and designed by the seller. If the seller works with another production partner, the seller must disclose the other production partners in the seller’s relevant lists. The seller must accurately describe everyone involved in making the product in the seller's store. The seller must be transparent about the manufacturing process of the products including the origin of the materials used. (It is recommended that you provide this information when requested.) Do not list or sell products that violate our policies, including our intellectual property rights. Not to upload or post products or content such as messages, videos, images or listings that are false, deceptive, misleading, abusive, threatening, vulgar, obscene, or invasive of a third party's privacy or intellectual property rights. Do not resell products in the handmade category if the seller is not involved in their production or design. Janagate may remove any product listings that violate our policies at our absolute discretion. Janagate has the absolute right to suspend or terminate the seller's account due to any violations, provided that the seller is responsible for paying any fees arising from the user's account. Seller agrees to our fees and payment policy. T- Communication and interaction When a seller creates an account with us, the seller agrees to: Do not interfere in another member’s store for the purpose of harming his business, such as communicating with users to warn them against dealing with this member, store, or product, or publishing any dispute with another member/seller in general, or purchasing from a member for the purpose of leaving a negative review against him only, or fraud by clicking on listing ads. For a member... and other similar activities. Do not send spam, abuse, unwanted intrusive advertising and promotions, or requests for donations. Do not communicate with anyone after their explicit request to do so. Not to upload or post any items or content such as messages, videos, images or listings which are false, deceptive, misleading, abusive, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, obscene or invasive of the privacy or intellectual property of any third party. Not to abuse or harm any other buyer or member and not to use messages to support hate. If any message that violates our policies reaches any seller, he must notify us immediately. D- Privacy of personal information When a seller uses our Services to list their products and enter into transactions with users, the seller will receive certain personal information such as the buyer's name, email, and shipping information to the extent permitted by law. Sellers are independently responsible for the user information that sellers obtain through our Services. Users' information may only be used for communications related to the Janagate Site and/or operations facilitated through the Janagate Site. In accordance with Janagate website policies and other applicable laws, the seller agrees not to use user information in unauthorized transactions or unsolicited messages, and the seller must not add any email or email address list for a seller or user or use a buyer’s identity for marketing or obtaining Payment information without the written consent of the user. The seller is responsible for knowing the approval standard required in each case. In the event that Janagate and the seller share control of the information, the seller agrees to compensate Janagate for any cost and/or expenses related to the seller’s performance or non-performance of his duties as jointly responsible for the information.